Creating a New Giving Form in GiveCampus
This article will walk through the steps to take when creating a new giving form in GiveCampus.
Step 1: Cloning an Existing Giving Form
The simplest way to create a new giving form in GiveCampus is to clone an already existing form from your school or unit.
Log into GiveCampus and navigate to a giving form that is currently used by your school or unit. If there currently are no giving forms used by your school or unit, please fill out a Help Desk Ticket Request, or send an email to
Click "Clone" on the Giving Form that you would like to clone.
- The next page asks for attributes of the original form that you would like to carry over to the clone. Please deselect the "Designation and Designation Groups" and "Unique Tracking Links" options. Select the "Clone Form" button when ready.
Step 2: Editing the New Giving Form
Once the form is cloned, GiveCampus will return you to the Giving Form search page. GiveCampus creates the new form under the name, "Copy of [Name of form that was copied]", and will be located under the "Draft" section.
- Navigate to your new giving form by searching, "Copy of [Name of form that was copied]". Click on the "Draft" tab below the search bar. When the new giving form appears in the list, click on "Settings" for that giving form.
You should now be located on the "Basics" tab of the form Settings. The first item in this section is the "Form Name", which currently should be the "Copy of..." name. Change the Form Name to the name that you would like for your new form to have. NOTE: Giving Form names should always be prefixed by the name of the school or unit that is using them: "School/Unit: Name of Giving Form".
- Rename the new giving form to the desired name, following the name formatting rules as mentioned above.
- Insert a Header Logo for the form as desired, and select the "Do not link logo to school landing page" option. Logos are located in the top left of giving forms. If a logo was used on the previously cloned form, this logo will have been carried over to your new form. The default logo is a University of Virginia logo.
- Select the "Form Type" that most closely correlates to the purpose of the giving form or type of allocation(s) that will be used in the form.
- The remaining fields in this section are optional, so once you have completed the above edits you can scroll to the bottom of the page and select the "Update Giving Form" button.
- Once updated, go to the "Forms" tab on the left side of the page.
- In the first box labelled "Form Header", add a Form Heading and Form Text for your giving form. These will appear on the left side of your giving form on top of the background image. NOTE: GiveCampus asks that Form Text be limited to 1-2 sentences, as longer text has resulted in some of the text being cut off by the bottom of the page based on the size of the display.
Optional: Suggested Giving Amounts. In the next block on this page, you are able to set Suggested Giving Amounts to be placed on the top of your giving form (there is an option to place them on the bottom as well). These are buttons which display suggested amounts to give to your giving form, and when selected by a donor, the suggested amount will populate in the "Amount" field on the form. Suggested amounts can be placed for both one-time and recurring gifts to your form (up to 6 each).
Optional: Minimum Donation Amount. The next block on this page allows you to establish and set a Minimum Donation Amount for your giving form. Donors will not be able to submit the form if their amount is under the minimum donation amount.
- The next block on this page is for setting up and editing the Recurring Giving settings for your giving form. If you do not wish to include recurring gifts in your giving form, make sure the "Allow Recurring Gifts" is unchecked in this section. NOTE: The text under "Recurring Gift Form Label" is the text that appears on the giving form next to the checkbox that the donor uses to indicate they would like to begin a recurring gift.
- The next block on this page contains the Designation Settings for your giving form. A designation is essentially a record for an allocation, where the Name of the designation is the same as the allocation name, and the Backend Identifier of the designation is the allocation number. Designations are required to be enabled on every form in GiveCampus. You can enable designations in this section by making sure the "Give donors the option to designate their gift" and "Require donors to choose a designation" options are selected in this block. If your form is going to have multiple designations listed to choose from and you would like for donors to have the option of selecting multiple designations, please make sure the "Let donors select multiple designations when making their gift" option is selected. You can also select a maximum number of designations that a donor can select to give to (no more than 5). There is also the option to have help text written in the designation field on the form via the "Default write-in designation label" option.
- The next block on this page is the Selectable Designations section. This is where you will choose which designations a donor will be able to give to on your form. Start by selecting the orange 'Add Designations' button at the top of this section.
A search bar will appear and you will be able to search for the designation you would like to add. You can search for your designation by typing the name of the allocation or the allocation code that you would like to be available on the giving form. When the designation that you would like to add appears as a result from the search, add it to the giving form by selecting the '+' button. Once you have added all of the designations that you would like to have on your form, select the blue 'Save Changes' button under 'Selected Designations'. NOTE: If the designation that you would like to add does not appear as a result from the search, this means that the designation has not yet been added into the backend of GiveCampus. Please submit a Help Desk Ticket to request for your desired designations to be added to the backend of GiveCampus, or you can email to request this as well.
Once you have added your designations, you are able edit how they appear on your form. You can do this by adjusting the symbols to the right of your designation, as seen in the image below. The first symbol of the eyeball allows you to hide/unhide the designation. When a designation is hidden, it is hidden from the initial dropdown list of designations on your form, and the only way to select it will be to search for it in the Designation search bar on your form. This is helpful if your form has a lot of designations, and you do not want the dropdown list to include all of them. The next symbol of the checkmark is used to denote a designation as the default designation of a form. When a designation is set to be the default designation, it is automatically selected as the designation to give to upon loading into your form. This is helpful for one-designation forms so that a donor does not have to select the one designation from the list themselves. The next symbol of the star is used to prioritize a designation. A prioritized designation will be listed on the form individually for the donor to select if they so choose. This is helpful if your form has a lot of designations, and you would like to list more popular designations for donors to select directly on the form rather than search for them in the designations list. The last symbol of the trash can is used to remove the designation from your form.
Optional: The next block on this page contains the Affiliation settings for your form. If needed, you are able to require donors to select an affiliation to your school or unit on your giving form, and can select the types of affiliations they are able to choose.
- The next block on this page is the Internal Reporting block where you will set the unique backend identifier for your form. For simplicity, please set the unique backend identifier of your form to be the name of the form, without any spaces. Separating the words using underscores or dashes is fine as well - see below example image for reference.
Optional: Corporate Matching Gifts. The last block on this webpage is for enabling the "Double the Donation" company search field for donors to use.
- Once you have made all of your desired updates to your new giving form, select the blue 'Save Changes' button, which is located both at the bottom of the webpage. NOTE: If you are making changes throughout the above process and would like to view how those changes affect the display of the giving form, you will need to select the blue 'Save Changes' button in order for those updates to be implemented on the giving form.
- Once your changes have been saved, go to the 'Pre-Payment Form' tab near the top of the webpage.
- Once in the Pre-Payment form settings, you can see that this is an additional area to edit the Form Heading and Form Text information (see #7 of this section). Here you can also edit the Form Button Text, which is the text on the button on the landing page of the giving form.
- Beneath this, there is an area to update the background image that appears on the left side of the giving form. Upload the image that you would like to appear as the background on the landing page of the giving form and adjust it as desired. NOTE: The image uploaded here will be the background image shown on the Pre-Payment part of the giving form ONLY. You will need to upload the same image in the following steps if you would like one constant background image throughout the entire process of the giving form. Once finished, select the blue 'Save Changes' button at the bottom of the page.
- After your changes have been saved, go to the 'Payment Form' tab near the top of the webpage.
- Repeat the steps from #19 above for updating Form Heading, Text, and Button Text, as well as for uploading a background image. NOTE: Leaving the Form Heading and Form Text fields blank will carry over the Form Heading and Form Text from the Pre-Payment Form. Once your changes have been made, select the blue "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.
After your changes have been saved, go to the 'Post-Payment Form' tab near the top of the webpage.
Repeat the steps from #19 above for updating Form Heading, Text, and Button Text, as well as for uploading a background image. NOTE: It is common to replace the default Form Heading and Text with Thank You message(s) on the Post-Payment Form. Once your changes have been made, select the blue "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.
Step 3: Reviewing the Giving Form
- Once all of your changes have been saved, preview your giving form by selecting the "Preview Form" tab on the left sidebar.
- Make sure all of the required fields are on your giving form. Fields that are always required on giving forms are:
- Name (can be either one field for full name or two fields for first and last names)
- Designation (the allocation(s) you added to your form for the donor to give to)
- Gift Amount
- Email
- Country
- ZIP code
- Street Address
- If one of the above required fields is missing, please email with your giving form name and the missing fields so that they can be added.
Step 4: Reviewing Email Templates
Please send the URL to your GiveCampus form to the Help Desk, or email it to for review of your giving form prior to publishing. Once approved by the review team, you can publish and share your giving form.